正版 剑桥中级英语语法 第四版中文版 剑桥英语在用丛书 pdf mobi txt word epub 下载 2024

正版 剑桥中级英语语法 第四版中文版 剑桥英语在用丛书精美图片

正版 剑桥中级英语语法 第四版中文版 剑桥英语在用丛书书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787513573054
  • 作者:RaymondMurphy 
  • 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版时间:2016-4-1
  • 页数:400
  • 价格:49.01
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:3开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:剑桥英语在用新版
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-03-16 04:56:02






雷蒙德·墨菲(Raymond Murphy),英语语法专家,著有《剑桥初级英语语法》《剑桥中级英语语法》等多部英语语法学习书。







everyone enjoyed the party.

he is invited to lots of parties and he goes to every one.

it doesn't matter whether you use MAY or MIGHT, but we use only MIGHT when the situation is not real!

e.g. If I knew them better, I might invite them to dinner.

Unit 10.Present perfect continuous and simple(I have been doing and I have been done.)

Present perfect continuous:We are interested in the activity. It does not matter whether something has been finished or not.

Present perfect simple: The important thing is that something has been finished.


My hands are very dirty. I've been repairing the car. The car is OK again now. I've repaired it.

We use the continuous to ask or say how long(for an activity that is still happening):

How long have you been reading that book?

We use the simple to ask or say how much, how many or how many times(completed actions):

How many pages of that book have you read?

*There are some verbs(for example, know/like/believe)that are normally not used in the continuous.

Unit 11 How long have you(been)...?

A.Compare the present and the present perfect:

*Amy is in hospital.

But she has been in hospital since Monday.(not "Amy is in hospital since Monday.")

*We know each other very well.

but We have known each other for a long time.

B.I have been doing something(present perfect continuous)=I started doing sth. in the past and I am still doing it(or have just stopped):

*I've been learning English for a long time.

*Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?

C.I have done(simple) or I have been doing (continuous)

The continuous is more usual with how long, since and for.

You can normally use either the continuous or simple with live and work:

How long have you been working/have you worked here?

but we use the simple with always:

* John has always lived in Lo...

Unit 12. When...? and How long...? For and since

A.Compare When...?(+past simple) and How long...?(+present perfect):

--When di it start raining?

--It started raining an hour ago/at 1 o'clock

--How long has it been raining?

--It's been raining for an hour/since 1 o'clock.

B.We use both for and since to say how long something has been happening.

We use for when we say a period of time(two hours,six weeks etc.):

*I've been waiting for two hours.

two hours ago-> now

We use since when we say the start of a period(8 o'clock,Monday,1988 etc.):

*I've been waiting since 8 o'clock.

8 o'clock->now

*They haven't had a holiday for ten years.(you must use for)

We do not use for + all...(all day/all my lift etc.):

*I've lived here all my life.

C.We say It's(a long time/two years e...

Unit 13 Present perfect and past(1)(I have done and I did)

A.Tom is looking for his key.He can't find it.

He has lost his key.

This means that he doesn't have his key now.

Ten minutes later:

Now Tom has found his key. He has it now.

Has he lost his key?

No,he hasn't.He has found it.

Did he lose his key?

Yes, he did.

He lost his key(past simple)

but now he has found it.(present perfect.)

The present perfect is a present tense.It always tells us something about now. Tom has lost his key=he doesn't have his key now.

The past simple tells us only about the past.If somebody says "Tom lost his key", we don't know whether he has it now or not. We only know that he lost it at some time in the past.

B.Do not use the present perfect if there is no connection with the present(for example, things t...




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  • 非常好的语法书

    作者:o-o 发布时间:2014-04-30 18:02:14



    比如当have做’possess’意时,是不能使用is having/ are having

    所以只能说 I have/ I’ve got a headache.

    I am having dinner. 则可.

    always 我们一般就跟“现在完成时”而不能用在“现在完成进行时”,如:

    John has always lived in London. (not ‘has always been living’)


    看来要改成: I have continuous been asking myself …. 或者 I have always asked myself …..


    be going to 也是计划的.

    而 will/shall 表将来很可能是再说话的那一刻决定要做的事情.

    have something done是请别人帮忙完成事情

    Negative questions (isn’t it…?/ didn’t you…..?)


    Didn’t you hell the bell? I rang it four times.


    Haven’t we met somewhere before? Yes, I think we have.

    Isn’t it a beautiful day! (It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?)

    注意Yes 和 No

    Don’t you want to go to the party? → Yes.(Yes, I want to go.)

                                            → No.(No, I don’t want to go.)

    可见这里的Yes 和 No是始终把问句当成肯定句来回答的。不管否定。

    无论是之前的 we have met before 或者是之后的 I want to go the party.

    Question tags

    positibe sentence + negative tag

    negative sentence + positive tag

    You are not going out today, are you? → Yes.(=Yes, I am going out.)

                                                  → No.(=No, I am not going out.)

    Karen plays the piano, doesn’t she? → Yes.(=Yes, she plays.)

                                                  → No.(=No, she doesn’t play piano.)

    依旧和之前的didn’t you…? 和 isn’t it …? 一样,Yes或者No回答的都是 sentence 的肯定.

    isn’t it? doesn’t she?降调↓仅仅表示求同意

    It’s a nice day, isn’t it? → Yes, lovely.

    Tim doesn’t look well today, does he? →No, he looks very tired.


    You haven’t seen Mary today, have you? →No, I’m afraid not.

    negative sentence + positive tag来询问信息或者请求某人做某事.所以也要升调↑

    You couldn’t do me a favour, could you? →It depends.

  • 这个暑假读完后做的摘抄

    作者:avaricious 发布时间:2008-08-22 19:49:41

  • 相见恨晚的语法书

    作者:周游 发布时间:2018-11-03 16:40:21










    比如,can / could / be able to的区分,in / at / on的区分用了三小节,will / am going to / am doing 的区别, have done / have been doing的区别。











  • 好看的语法书

    作者:想念石醒宇 发布时间:2015-12-27 17:47:03

    0. 推荐同我一样在英语学习上焦虑过、痛苦过、不知所措过的同学先看看李笑来的《人人都能用英语》,里面分享了除 Grammar in Use 外很多有意思的英语学习经历、方法、工具书和原著,半夜看的,燃得我睡不着觉。

    1. 业余时间看的,每天时长不定。花了 27 天,练习题基本做完。

    1.1 先做书末的 Study Guide,了解自己的薄弱部分;

    1.2 我是没有根据 Study Guide 的结果从最弱的部分开始看正文的,而是直接按顺序看下来,比较安心。简单的部分,如 Reported speach, Questions 等,稍微看看,习题也没有全做;

    1.3 145 个单元,每单元只有 2 页,左边是学习内容,右边是习题,只在书上画自己不熟悉的用法,前后若有相关的内容,标上页码方便参考,不做其他笔记,看完做题;

    1.4 有些单元有附加练习,看完全本后再一起做,查漏补缺;同时整理仍觉得生疏的用法,贴便签,以便以后快速查看。

    2. 这本书简单但是地道,能给学习带来愉悦感。

    2.1 第一单元是时态,而不是 a/an。就像单词书不是以 abandon 开始一样;

    2.2 几乎没有生词,且举例都是最生活化的场景;

    2.3 好吧,不全都是生活场景,但你绝不会讨厌它。比如 Additional exercises 中这道练习:

    (A and B are two secret agents arranging a meeting. They are talking on the phone.)

    A: Well, what time shall we meet?

    B: Come to the cafe by the station at 4 o'clock. I'll be waiting for you when you arrive. I'll be sitting by the window and I'll be wearing a bright green sweater.

    A: OK. Is Agent 307 coming too?

    B: No, she can't be there.

    A: Oh. Shall I bring the documents?

    B: Yes. I'll explain everything when I see you. And don't be late.

    A: OK. I'll try to be on time.

    2.4 习题量丰富。

    3. 在 1.4 整理的要点,给自己看哒。

    It's beginning/getting/becoming/increasing...

    It's (been) long time since...

    I was doing v.s. I had been doing

    postpone/admit/imagine/risk + doing

    suggest v.s. advise

    begin/start/intend/bother/continue + doing / to do,一样的意思

    try to do v.s. try doing

    would like/love/hate/prefer + have done

    I'd rather somebody did something

    insist on

    have trouble/difficulty + doing

    be busy + doing

    afraid to do v.s. afraid of doing

    (the) + 地名/报刊等

    some 用于疑问句中时

    much 不常用于肯定句

    so long v.s. such a long time

    despite = In spite of + n.

    on the road/river/coast/way/farm

    in bed

    in the picture/paper

    on the whole = in general

    an advantage of v.s. There is an advantage in/to

    the cause of

    increase/decrease/fall/rise in

    hear about v.s. hear of v.s. hear from

    get by = manage

    fill in/out the form

    drop/call in

    cross/rub out

    work out (算术)

    get out of = avoid

    fall out with = stop being friends with

    find out about

    call something off = cancel

    put on weight

    put on a CD

    see somebody off

    doze/nod/drop off

    finish something off

    go off = explode

    rip somebody off

    set up a company...

    take up a hobby...

    fix up = arrange

    wash up

    give something away

    give/hand out

    get away with something = do something wrong without being caught

    look back on

    discuss something,无 about


  • A comprehensive grammar book and plenty of excercises

    作者:Fleur_de_soie 发布时间:2015-02-09 01:58:52

    Finally find a grammar book with enough exercises.

    For international students that's what I need.

    It is written by British, but it includes comparisons of AE and BE in the appendix. Its advantages certainly overweight its disadvantages.

    Since I have been learning English all these years, I did not read every page and do all the exercises. I use it in this way: quickly go over the notes and then decide whether I need exercises or the exercises is good enough for a try. It contains a lot of comparisons for learners like me, who always confuse two things. Some of the comparisons are even subtle than I expected.

    Surely rewarding!

    A must-have.

  • 这本书的副标题可以是“例句语法辨析”

    作者:Surreal 发布时间:2021-06-02 09:12:13

    这套书将我们读课文时没有注意到的小细节和长时间困扰我们的问题都写的很清楚。例如,have something done是请别人帮忙完成事情(新概念3第2课)或表示意外或不幸(口语表达中自我惋惜的调调)。



    例如(Unit 35):had better 和 should 哪个语气更委婉?——若你在国内网站上查,一般回答都是had better ——然而事实恰恰相反,had better 绝对不能用于长辈或上级,很不礼貌。

    又如(Unit 59):would rather sb did用过去时表示希望某人现在/将会做某事(暗含事实相反)。



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